Virgin Coconut Oil

Product Description

Virgin Coconut oil is a delicious and healthy alternative to artificial fats and oils. The product has also become increasingly popular in health and natural food circles and with vegans. Its flavour has a touch of sweetness, which works well in baked goods, pastries and sautés. Virgin coconut oil is often used in non-dairy creamers and in snack foods, including popcorn. Virgin Coconut oil can also increase your energy expenditure by helping you burn more fat.

Product Process

Virgin coconut oil is made from fresh mature coconut and without the use of additives or chemical processing after extraction. The product is increasingly getting a reputation for being the most versatile and healthiest oil in the word. Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid found only in breast milk thus far. According to recent studies Virgin Coconut Oil can also help strengthen the immune system.


The product has a shelf life 2 years and can be stored at room temperature.


Packed in 4-ply Kraft paper bags with inner Poly liner. 35kg net per bag.